
To Conform or Not To Conform...

At this point, I have no choice. This past month has been economically difficult for me. To prepare myself for possibilities of getting a retail job that makes me "look" like the products I would sell, I cut off my lovely maine. I've had my hair in bobby pins for 2 years. It was the gender queer part of me that I embraced the most because people always confused my gender. 

I just accepted a position at the one place I am against the most, Gold's Gym in the Castro. Although I won't be checking in dumb bells, I'll be making smoothies instead. I need to be optimistic about this and let go of my prejudices towards built gym fags. 

The economy is so horrible right now in San Francisco. I applied for 30 places, and only had 3 responses. One from the fabric store next to my house which said there were too many applicants for the position and I didn't have enough experience. The second from a cafe responded with the same issue. The third was this smoothie joint. The interview went well, and I was hired on the spot. 

If I didn't find a job by the end of the month, I would have to move back to Los Angeles with my family because I have no money for rent. I probably still need another job after I graduate college, but this is a step. I'm grossed out by the fact that a person who will obtain their B.A. won't even get hired to clean toilets, a job I sent my resume to as well. 

The perks to the job are: the endless amounts of smoothies that will be in my tummy, coffee, working alone, working in a slow place, tips so I can eat, bi-monthly paychecks, and possibilities of meeting people outside of the internet world. It's gay friendly, so I will be somewhat comfortable. Optimistic!